If you notice the title of my first project (NUMBers), the first 4 letters are all upper case. The reason is numbness is a symptom of Type 2 Diabetes. I can remember as far back as 2012 sitting at work and experiencing numbness in my finger tips. One morning in 2015, the space between my thumb and first finger on my right hand went numb. The numbness along with my thirst issue scared me into going to the doctor. I would like to be the movement encouraging those who are experiencing these symptoms to go get checked. Actually, I would like to be the movement encouraging healthy eating to help the number of Type 2 Diabetes diagnosis decrease.
So. What causes the NUMBness?
The medical term is Diabetic Neuropathy. High Blood sugar can cause this condition. Diabetic Neuropathy damages the nerves that send signals from your hands and feet. Damaged nerves cannot be replaced. Should I say this again...Damaged nerves cannot be replaced. High blood glucose causes chemical changes in the nerves and impairs the nerve's ability to transmit signals. High blood glucose also has the potential to damage blood vessels that carry oxygen and nutrients to the nerves.